Based between Berlin and Toulouse, I’m a french Visual Artist focused on photography and graphic design.

I enjoy working on projects that communicate powerful message and strong identity.


since 2022
Photo workshop coordinator, Douelle

since 2018 Freelance Artist / Designer

2012-2017 Applied Art Teacher
at Digital Campus, Toulouse

2009-2012 Art Direction
Noodle Advertising, Paris


2019 Things that happen in the dark,
48hNeukölln, Officina, Berlin

2018 Graphic Tribute,
111 des Arts, Hotel Dieu, Toulouse

2019 Officina Neukölln artist-run-space, Berlin


2020 Fisheye
Magazine x ONG-MSC Award - 2nd prize

2019 Fisheye
Magazine “avant, après” Award - 1st prize

2012 Master
of Arts
Mirail University, Toulouse

2010 Bachelor of Arts
Marc Bloch University, Strasbourg

2005-2007 Graphic Design Degree
IPESAA, Montpellier

French (native), English (fluent), German (B1)
